Game Design Comprehensive Feb 24 [6 weeks, Mondays]
Game Design Quick-start
In this course at TTLMakerspace, you will go from beginner to a working knowledge of game design and development using the open-source engine Godot.
Starting with the basics of the game engine, you’ll learn how to progress from a knowledge of game mechanics to a coherent, engaging game experience.
At the end of this course you will have achieved the following goals:
A grasp of planning out fun game-play mechanics
Familiarity with features of the Godot Game Engine
Practical knowledge of animation techniques
A working understanding of sound design
Application of physics for game-play mechanics
Comfort with 2D game development
Ability to publish and show your game
Working understanding of UI in games
Following this course, you’ll be welcome to join the growing community of creators and game developers at TTLMakerspace for continued support and encouragement in your game development journey.
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